
Mt. Vernon Center is growing and has some construction on our 3rd Floor. Patients coming for most services on our 3rd floor will need to check-in at our registration space on the 1st floor across from the elevators. Not sure what floor you’re appointments on? Don’t worry. We’ll help you find where you need to go!

substance use treatment, Suboxone, outpatient treatment, addiction program

Substance Use Treatment

Chase Brexton's Substance Use Treatment Program focuses on the whole you - your mental health, your physical health, and your life.

We'll meet you where you are. We'll help you get to where you want to be. Want to change your relationship with substance use? Let's talk about it.

Walk-In @ One

Ready to start changing your relationship with substances? Just Walk-In @ One!

We now offer initial assessments for Substance Use care on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1 p.m., exclusively at our Mt. Vernon and Glen Burnie Centers.

With a focus on the whole you, Substance Use Treatment with Chase Brexton Health Care is about helping you achieve your best life. But change can be scary. To help make it less scary, simply walk-in when you’re ready!

To learn more, or to schedule an appointment instead, call 410-837-2050 x8800.

Taking the first step toward change can be scary. But we're here for you.

Before beginning treatment at Chase Brexton, you will have a one-on-one peer intake with a certified peer recovery specialist (CPRS) to discuss your wellness goals. Next you will complete a one-on-one initial assessment with a behavioral health therapist. During these meetings, you will discuss your experiences, your goals, and your needs. With the help of your CPRS and therapist, you will then decide the best plan of care to get you where you want to be. Together, you will agree on the next best step for you. 

The Chase Brexton difference is in our vital support: PRISM (Partners in Recovery: Individualized Support & Motivation)

You aren’t alone on your journey. From the first day, you will be supported by our Certified Peer Recovery Specialists (CPRS) through our PRISM program.

In addition to helping you find the right substance use treatment option, your Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) will meet with you weekly to talk about your needs, your struggles, your relationships, and your recovery. 

CPRS’s have been where you are – they have dealt with mental wellness and substance use, and have been in recovery. They will serve as your cheerleader, care navigator, coach, and shoulder to lean on. They will share with you the knowledge, skills, and experience that come from having “been there,” to help you work toward meaningful recovery from substance use and to improve your emotional wellness.

Chase Brexton's Substance Use team will find a treatment option to meet your needs. Take a look at some of our treatment options

Phase I 

This Phase gets you onto the road of Change to achieve abstinence from substance use. 

With four supportive and interactive group sessions each week, you will learn about how addiction works and get basic, practical skills to obtain and maintain abstinence from substance use. 

During this Phase you will also have weekly, individual therapy sessions to talk one-on-one about your life and goals. 

Group sessions are held Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. 

Phase II

This Phase takes you deeper into recovery with compassionate and collaborative group sessions with others on the recovery journey.

Meeting with others who have had at least 30 days of abstinence from all substances, you will explore the origin of your addictive behaviors, discover relapse prevention strategies, and learn how to apply those strategies to daily life. 

Phase III 

This Phase is also called the Longstanding Recovery Group. With others who have maintained at least 3 to 6 months of abstinence from substances, you will identify, develop, and practice sober life skills, as well as continue to learn relapse prevention strategies and how to live in recovery in everyday life. 

Medications for Substance Use Disorders (MSUD) are intended to treat anyone who wants to reduce or stop using alcohol or opioids (like Percocet, Oxycontin, heroin, or fentanyl).

Medications we use to reduce opioid cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and risk of overdose include buprenorphine (e.g. Zubsolv, Suboxone, Subutex) or naltrexone (Vivitrol).

Medications we use to reduce binge drinking, alcohol cravings, and alcohol use include naltrexone (Vivitrol) and acamprosate (Camprol). 

Any Chase Brexton primary care patient can receive MSUD.  This treatment is available to anyone at any stage in their substance use recovery journey. Chase Brexton’s primary care providers will work with you to find the best medication assistance for your needs.

If you are new to MSUD treatment, we can start you on the right medications. We can also provide medication management if you are currently stable on a substance use treatment medication. To begin:

  • Simply talk with your Chase Brexton provider,
  • Or, if you are not receiving primary care with Chase Brexton yet, make an appointment by calling 410-837-2050 x4300 (x4301 en Español)

Substance use started for some reason and understanding why you started can give you power in your recovery. Joining with others seeking a new relationship with substances, you will be a part of a supportive and interactive group focused on understanding the "why" behind your addictive behaviors. 

As you learn more about what may motivate you to use, the program will help you develop coping skills and strategies to change these behaviors. 

The STEP Clinic is a weekly medical and peer services clinic designed to provide both medical care and peer assistance to help manage recovery from opiates or alcohol use.

Each appointment includes a brief physical exam and medication management discussion with a medical provider and Certified Peer Recovery Specialist who specialize in medication for substance use treatment and will provide support on your treatment journey. Learn more.

Call for an appointment: 410-837-2050 

Walk-ins Also Welcome: Tuesdays from 1PM - 4PM
Mt. Vernon Center - 1111 North Charles Street - Baltimore MD 21201

Substance Use Hours


M-Th 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
F 9:00 am - 5:00 pm


Individual services available, IOP not offered at this location.


Not Offered At This Location

Glen Burnie

M-Th 8:30 am - 7:00 pm
F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Security Square

Individual services available, IOP not offered at this location.