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Finding a Better Future With Chase Brexton’s Transgender Youth Care

Published: 09/10/2021

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It wasn’t always easy for Nancy to find competent, welcoming care for her transgender daughter, Autumn. Even a routine procedure could become a painful and unsafe experience.

“At one point, we needed to get a blood test or something,” Nancy recalls now. “We got it at one of those larger organizations, and the phlebotomist was very hostile toward [Autumn], made some comments about her voice, and jabbed her really hard.”

All that changed when Nancy and Autumn found Dr. Elyse Pine, a pediatric endocrinologist who specializes in trans youth care. As they continued Autumn’s care through her teenage and early adult years with Dr. Pine at Chase Brexton Health Care, they came to expect what every patient deserves: affirming, accepting care.

“Every single staff person we came in contact with were so affirming, nice—just regular, everything was normalized. I think that was very important,” Nancy said. “I know important every little contact can be. If you’re being seen every six months, that’s a lot of contacts and I know that makes a big difference.”

Nancy said Dr. Pine became an important part of Autumn’s life, not just for meeting Autumn’s health care needs, but also for providing peace of mind for her family.

“[Dr. Pine] always treated my daughter as a whole person, not just as a transgender teen,” Nancy said. “I know how important every contact with healthcare providers can be for trans youth. Caring affirming care is critical.

Autumn is currently in graduate school, pursuing a Ph.D. in Chemistry. Nancy said she hopes her daughter’s experience with Chase Brexton, and the care she received from Dr. Pine, can serve as a role model for other transgender youth who need affirming health care.

“There’s this ripple effect, of reaching out to people who are in a different place in their journey, and being of help to them,” Nancy said. “Parents of transgender youth need to have visible examples of kids who thrive. We wanted to share Autumn’s journey and acknowledge that she faced many challenges and had triumphs. Chase Brexton and Dr. Pine helped my daughter thrive!”  

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