
Mt. Vernon Center is growing and has some construction on our 3rd Floor. Patients coming for most services on our 3rd floor will need to check-in at our registration space on the 1st floor across from the elevators. Not sure what floor you’re appointments on? Don’t worry. We’ll help you find where you need to go!

Planned Giving

Everyone has a legacy to leave.

Have you ever heard the term “legacy gift”?

It’s a phrase we use when someone leaves a gift to Chase Brexton through their will, trust, or estate. When you think of a legacy gift it may seem like a lofty goal. But it’s actually quite simple and within reach. In fact, all it takes to make a gift in this way is to include a few specific words in your will that designate Chase Brexton as a beneficiary.

About Bequests and Wills

Learn how to include Chase Brexton in your arrangements.
Click here

Donor Stories

Meet those who have made Chase Brexton part of their planning.
Click here

The Legacy Society

Become part of our exclusive Legacy Society.
Click here

About Bequests and Wills

What are the benefits of making a bequest?

  • You are leaving a lasting legacy to be remembered.
  • You lessen the burden of taxes on your family.
  • You may receive estate tax savings.

How can I learn more?

Contact Us
Watch a Video

How do I make a bequest?

A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends, or Chase Brexton Health Care as part of your estate plan. 

View bequest language.

What are my options?

A bequest can be made in several ways:

  • You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset.
  • You can gift a percentage of your estate.
  • You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate.
  • You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets.

Other Ways to Give

IRA rollover, donor advised funds, gifts of stocks and bonds, gifts of real estate, gifts of cash, gifts of insurance.

For more information, contact:

Alexa Milanytch
Director of Development
[email protected]
410-837-2050, ext. 1144

Donor Stories

Check back soon for profiles of individuals who have included Chase Brexton in their wishes.

The Legacy Society

The Legacy Society is our way of recognizing donors who have identified Chase Brexton Health Care in their will or planned giving activities.

Our donors are essential in enabling us to provide care and hope to our patients in need. Members of The Legacy Society of Chase Brexton Health Care have taken a special step to support the work we do--investing in the future health and wellness of our communities by creating planned or deferred gifts to Chase Brexton Health Care. The Legacy Society exists to inspire and stimulate others to support our work to ensure everyone has access to health care.

Ways to join The Legacy Society:

  • Designate Chase Brexton Health Care in your will.
  • Designate Chase Brexton Health Care as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy.
  • Bequeath real estate to Chase Brexton Health Care.
  • Choose other Planned Giving options.

Chase Brexton Health Care is deeply grateful for your generosity and your philanthropic leadership. If you have completed estate plans that include Chase Brexton, we invite you to become a Legacy Society member.

Membership Benefits:

  • Opportunities to network with The Legacy Society members at special events.
  • A distinct Legacy Society lapel pin.
  • Opportunity to inspire and influence others through your philanthropic deeds.
  • Recognition in Chase Brexton publications (unless you prefer anonymity).

If you are considering making a planned gift to Chase Brexton Health Care, please contact us to explore the best options for you and your family. We will assist you on a confidential basis. If you have already included Chase Brexton in your plans, please let us know: 410-837-2050, x 1144.

For more information, contact:

Alexa Milanytch
Director of Development
[email protected]
410-837-2050, ext. 1144

Chase Brexton EIN#: 521638592