Chase Brexton Health Care's history is closely tied to the human rights movements of the 1960s and beyond.
Fast Stats - Women+ at Chase Brexton Health Care
82% of Chase Brexton's staff identifies as women
50% of executive (C)-level (compared to a national average of 29% executive level women in health care) and upper-level leadership positions filled by women
61% of middle management positions filled by women
75% of Site Medical Directors are women
100% of Site Operations Directors are women
From the women's rights movement to the Civil Rights movement to the gay and transgender rights movements, Chase Brexton's founding and growth is a story filled with the power of women+ of all backgrounds, sexes, races, ethnicities, orientations, and visions.
The following women+ represent just a sliver of the community of cisgender, transgender, and genderfluid women who have shaped Chase Brexton Health Care as we know it today.
Our history as a grassroots, volunteer-led organization and journey to the 450-plus staff-led organization we are today could not exist were it not for the women+ of our past, our present, and those, we hope, will continue forward with the vital mission of improving our communities for all.