
Want to volunteer for Chase Brexton Health Care? We have a list of opportunities available that will meet your needs and your schedule.

Help at the Office
Chase Brexton Health Care welcome office volunteers with skills in data entry, organization, graphic design, writing/editing, mailings, and the million and one tasks it takes to fundraise.

Volunteer for a Health Fair
Having a presence at health fairs lets people know we are in their community.  We have many more health fair opportunities than we can attend.  Volunteers can help!

Pitch in at an Event
Each year, Chase Brexton needs a virtual army of volunteers to make our events truly special and our walk a celebration of grassroots fundraising.  Whether you register guests for our annual gala, pass out t-shirts at a walk, help set up a silent auction, or cheer on Team Chase, your one day of service can help make a huge difference.

Join a Committee
Most of our "behind the scenes" work is accomplished by folks who can commit additional time and resources to organize events and walks.  We need leaders to head up committees for areas such as auction procurement, sponsorship, logistics, and planning.  We also form committees that work in specific areas of Marketing & Communications, Corporate Development.

Get Your Company Involved
As a small business owner or professional, your skills and products can make a huge impact on Chase Brexton's mission.  You can make a gift of your printing or design services, contribute your photography skills, use your public relations firm to help get press for an event, or donate a company product or service for our live and silent auctions.  The list is endless!

Please note: volunteer opportunities in clinical services, including Medical and Behavioral Health departments, are not available.

If would like to volunteer with Chase Brexton, please contact Lauren McGee, Development & Special Events Manager, at lmcgee@chasebrexton.org. For clinical rotation opportunities, please see the Students and Residents section of our website to apply.​