
Mt. Vernon Center is growing and has some construction on our 3rd Floor. Patients coming for most services on our 3rd floor will need to check-in at our registration space on the 1st floor across from the elevators. Not sure what floor you’re appointments on? Don’t worry. We’ll help you find where you need to go!

France-Merrick Grant to Support Expansion of Chase Brexton Health Care’s Mt. Vernon Center

Baltimore (March 11, 2025) – The ongoing expansion of Chase Brexton Health Care’s Mt. Vernon Center recently received a boost thanks to a grant from the France-Merrick Foundation.

The $100,000 grant will support the construction of additional medical space on Mt. Vernon Center’s third floor, allowing Chase Brexton to serve more patients and expand access to its care for low-income adults and families. 

Construction of the new medical exam rooms and staff space is currently underway, and is expected to be completed later this spring.

Grant to Expand Access to Chase Brexton’s Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program

Baltimore (March 17, 2025) – Additional Chase Brexton Health Care patients with hypertension will be able to access the organization’s program to assist them with their uncontrolled blood pressure, thanks to a recent grant.

The $50,000 grant from the Kahlert Foundation will expand access to Chase Brexton’s Self-Measured Blood Pressure Program for low-income adults with uncontrolled blood pressure. Chase Brexton patients will be able to join the program at the community health center’s Mt. Vernon, Columbia, Glen Burnie, and Security Square Centers. 

Chase Brexton Receives State Funding to Expand Primary Care Services

Chase Brexton recently received a two-year award from the Maryland Department of Health, which will expand primary care services in Baltimore. 

The funds will support the renovation and expansion of exam rooms on the third floor of our Mt. Vernon Center, as well as the recruitment and onboarding of staff.

Here's the full press release from the state Department of Health:

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, January 20th, we celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Dr. King’s example as a servant leader who prioritized compassion – during times of protest and peace – continues to be ever relevant today. He understood that our connectedness was linked to our humanity and, despite whatever differences may exist, civility and love for one another are essential to addressing and, ultimately, overcoming society’s ills.

Chase Brexton to Expand HIV Prevention Services with Launch of POWER Nursing Program

Chase Brexton to Expand Substance Use Treatment Services in Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County

Chase Brexton will expand its outreach services to individuals seeking substance use treatment in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel County, thanks to a recent grant.

Chase Brexton’s Every Meal Matters Food Distribution Program Receives Boost from Recent Grant

Baltimore (Nov. 15, 2024) – Chase Brexton’s Every Meal Matters food distribution program was the recent recipient of a $20,000 grant from the John E. and Sue M. Jackson Charitable Trust, which will support the community health center’s food pantries across the Baltimore region.

The Every Meal Matters program encompasses pantries at Chase Brexton’s Mt. Vernon, Columbia, and Security Square Centers, with healthy food options available to Chase Brexton patients through its Case Management services.

Happy National Case Management Week!

This week, October 13-19, is National Case Management Week! Our case managers make the difference for their clients every day, providing needed support that removes barriers to a healthier life.

As part of our celebration of National Case Management Week, we wanted to introduce you to one of our amazing case managers, Kesh Coutain!

What made you want to be a case manager?

Chase Brexton Receives Grant from Middendorf Foundation to Construct Additional Medical Clinic at Mt. Vernon Center

Chase Brexton to Host Inaugural Annapolis Gala on Nov. 2

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