
Mt. Vernon Center is growing and has some construction on our 3rd Floor. Patients coming for most services on our 3rd floor will need to check-in at our registration space on the 1st floor across from the elevators. Not sure what floor you’re appointments on? Don’t worry. We’ll help you find where you need to go!

women, history, healthcare history

Women's History Month 2023

Cis, or trans, women+ have shaped our nation and our world while continuing to fight for themselves, and others, to be heard, respected, and valued.

Three Perspectives on the Woman+ Experience






In 1982, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the second week of March as Women's History Week:

American women of every race, creed and ethnic background helped found and build our Nation in countless recorded and unrecorded ways ... As leaders in public affairs, American women not only worked to secure their own rights of suffrage and equal opportunity but also were principal advocates in the abolitionist, temperance, mental health reform, industrial labor and social reform movements, as well as the modern civil rights movement.

It was more than a decade later that the impact of women in American history was given more recognition by expanding Women's History Week to a full month. Find events and information about Women's History Month from the Library of Congress.

History is often told by those who hold the power and privilege. Power and privilege do not have to be a negative - we must understand and accept what power and privilege are, how they can help to support - or hold down - those without the same footing, and how they can be used to enhance the lives of all. 

But, in order to move forward, we must look at the history which has been untold. We must take the time to hear the truths that have created where we live in the world today. We must go beyond the history books written from one perspective and delve into the multi-dimensional history that truly reflects our communities and our world.

Below, we offer a collection of stories and videos about cis, trans, and gender fluid women (women+). For Chase Brexton, women+ are a powerful force behind the strength of our work, our care, and our mission to honor diversity. We hope you will read a bit about a few of the women+ who have shaped Chase Brexton here and take a moment to review the health statistics for women in the United States.